Thursday, December 29, 2011

Little Old Lady in 17D

Funniest story of 2011....

Little old lady, maybe 75 years old and only 4 foot maybe 9 inches tall.  I hadn't noticed her the entire flight and she had said nothing, making no complaints or even hinting at being uncomfortable in the last row and against the window seat just in front of the bathroom on a plane holding 67 passengers.  She had boarded in Albuquerque NM and sat quietly in the last row the whole 2.5 hours to Houston.  She said nothing while the entire plane was disembarking but just resolutely filed behind the last of the passengers.

When she neared the main cabin door she noticed the pilot, who happened to be well over 6 foot, 6 inches tall and nearly 250 pounds, she quietly suggested he attempt to sit in 17D for 5 minutes.

After making her statement she smiled and continued off the plane.  The Captain looked at me and said, "I paid my 120 + thousand dollars to NOT sit in 17D!"

Have a Happy New Year, passengers, and remember you too can have all the legroom that the Flight Deck enjoys by simply enrolling in your nearest flight school and going into massive debt, that you'll probably never pay off.

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